Wing Chun Online was created with several intentions in mind. One of them, unite Wing Chun as a whole.
Thanks to the internet there is much exposure and you see numerous variations of the same system.
All too often, beginner students learn Wing Chun one way, and are quick, when observing other systems, to say “that is not wing chun.”
There are numerous variations of Wing Chun, although generally speaking there two main variations of the system that are widely discussed, a traditional and modified version. Even within each variation you will see differences.
Not to get to deep into the history (and this is just one lineage line), at one point the system was modified for a student by master Leung Jan. This student name was Chan Wah-shun and he was Ip Man’s first Wing Chun instructor. Then Ip Man meet Leung Bik, who is Leung Jan’s son and the rest is Wing Chun history. Thus two variations and like my Sifu, Ip Man at one point studied both.
I teach my students to respect all practitioners and arts and encourage all instructors to do the same. I don’t want anyone wasting time over my Sifu is better than your Sifu or modified is better than traditional. Everyone loves their Sifu and thinks their style is the best and that’s great. With over two decades served as a dedicated practitioner of the art of Wing Chun, I assure you, “if it comes from my fists then it’s Wing Chun.” My Kung fu and instruction speaks for itself I would never want a student to waste time defending me.
If you see two people yelling at either from across the street, you don’t know who is right or wrong, they both just look like idiots. That’s not the Wing Chun way.
Spend the time focusing on common ground and learn, grow and evolve. By having an open mind I have learn from traditional and modified masters, as well as other stylists. I was asked to talk and highlight some aspects of the art at a martial arts event at the University of Florida. After the event I approached a escrima grandmaster who also spoke. I was so impressed, and he felt the same about what I shared. We ended up training together numerous times after the event and each of us in our own way got something from training together to enhance our own art.
I feel we all as practitioners of this art should respect each other which shines a brighter light on the art as a whole.
So dont’ be so quick to say that’s not Wing Chun if it looks different than the style you do. Instead maybe ask why do you do it like that I do it or have seen it done differently? You might learn something.
Thank you whoever you are for the work you are doing with this web site. I have encounted variations in styles over the years. Although I have not been able to train full time because of school avalabity. I still love to take private lesons when I can where they are available. I see alot of Wing Chun in other styles like Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido. I love the site thank you again. Noah
Thank you fro the kind words Noah! All the best from Sifu John Wahnish
good day sifu i hope all is well with you and hope this gets to you in good heath and peace of mind i am a wing chun practitioner and I am very glad that you starting online classes but i can’t wait!! do you have anything people should read or do until the online classes to get ready are just to better my self and my studies ?
Have you checked out my books! They are jam packed with great Wing Chun education. Looking forward to working with you online in the very near future! All the best Sifu Wahnish. (you can find the books on Amazon or…The Foundations of Wing Chun Vol.1 and Applied concepts of Wing Chun Vol.2)