Ip Man Returns to the Big Screen in The Grandmaster. The Weinstein Group, a US based Movie Company acquired Wong Kar Wai’s film The Grandmaster for US distribution, this past February. The cast includes Tony Leung as Ip Man, Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon superstar Ziyi Zhang, Chan
We have had numerous questions on the Wing Chun Online facebook page asking… What is the Best Martial Art? What is the best matrial arts. shaolin, wing chun, or karate? Chose one (720p HD)
On our WCO Facebook Page we had several questions regarding Wing Chun, Martial Arts and Self Defense from a Wheelchair. This has been our most widely asked question as few questions were posted on the thread “Hello all Wing Chun Online fans… have a question about Wing Chun
Response to Question: Where do you put your vision in a fight? Last week on the WCO Facebook page I asked a question, “Where do you put your vision in a fight?” I greatly appreciate everyone’s response and feedback. There were a plethora of different responses to this one quest
Wing Chun Online was created with several intentions in mind. One of them, unite Wing Chun as a whole. Thanks to the internet there is much exposure and you see numerous variations of the same system. All too often, beginner students learn Wing Chun one way, and are quick, when
Hello All, Thank you to everyone that participated in our super cool Wing Chun Online giveaway! I wish everyone could win but there is ONLY ONE, which made this a very special day for one lucky individual. We will have more Kung Fu giveaways and much more great Wing Chun to come! Stay